Everything they taught you about women and the real world was a lie. And that’s why you fail. #PoppCulture #RedPill #BluePillBlues
Brought to you by “The Book of Numbers” by Aaron Clarey https://www.amazon.com/Book-Numbers-Analyzing-Pursuit-Women-ebook/dp/B08PTFKLP6
Redonkulas.com Theme “The Grunt” written and performed by Jeffrey Paul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbyTXV1ZyRg
Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music http://www.teknoaxe.com/
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Sources Professors Teaching Social Justice, Not Subjects https://archive.vn/T3KeU Adult Male Virginity Soars https://archive.vn/SXGOD Marriage Rates https://archive.vn/hTq1J Husband’s Job is Best Predictor of Divorce https://archive.vn/JBqxk Why Women Won’t Date Men Who Earn Less https://archive.vn/Gdpbs Women Behaving Like Men https://archive.vn/00fJ5 Women Fantasize About Being Submissive https://archive.vn/sFgYg Charles Manson Gets Married in Prison https://archive.vn/wip/dWt0l Women Lie About Their Body Count https://archive.vn/OpRVw 80% of Divorces Filed by Women https://archive.vn/uYNy6
Video Throwbacks Red Pill Rage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co3IaB0bzsY Eskimo Brothers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7wd3TU47HE 500 Miles of Mr. Right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQkWUTDrWas
get some pussy, then, "SPACE GHOST".....
6.5 per thousand works out to 65 out of a thousand over the next ten years, assuming the rate does not fall further. What are women going to do when they realize that 93.5% of them have no chance of being married? What is the government going to do besides go bankrupt when men decide to not bother making more money than we need to in order to survive?